Friday, June 20, 2014

Vitamin D, Summer Solstice, Buttermilk Pie and other things

--- Vitamin D - we need it, more than most know. ---

I've recently been diagnosed as being vitamin D deficient, which doesn't sound too bad.  However, this came after going to the doctor for severe joint pain, and I don't mean achy joints from too exercise.  This was sharp pains in my hands, wrists, ankles and knees.  It was horrible, and I'm glad the blood work came back to show something simple.

My dad had rheumatoid arthritis.  I saw him endure pain that incapacitated him.  Here was this big, strong guy who was used to be able to do yard work and carpentry, and in his latter years, he was confined to his recliner.  Tai Chi helped him, but he was never quite the same.  It was hard on him physically and spiritually.  I could see the sadness in his eyes, over the loss of being able to do what he loved.

My RA factors in the blood work were normal - a huge relief.  Now, to deal with the vitamin D.  This deficiency might be related to perimenopause.  I am 42, and as women reach menopause, our bodies are less efficient at processing vitamin D.  So, it's not that I'm not getting enough sun.  This can contribute to osteoporosis, dental issues, heart disease and some cancers.  All things no one wants.  So, I have my vitamin D supplements and am anxiously awaiting the results of my most recent blood work.  For now, I'm just happy that it doesn't hurt to type.  :-)

--- Summer Solstice - how I celebrate ---

To me, there's nothing that says summer like BBQ or chili.  Yes, I know.  Chili is cold weather food, but I love a bowl of chili in the summer.  That spice.  The peppers.  The cornbread.  Mmmmm.  Finished with a cold beer, it's the best.  So, I'm going to celebrate the summer solstice by making chili this weekend, with a 100 year old recipe that belonged to my great grandfather.  My goal is to eventually make it my own with a little modernization and use that in the upcoming Pflugerville Chili Pfest.  That'll be fun.

--- Buttermilk Pie -  the Goldilocks way ---

I've done this before with lemon meringue, and am doing it again with buttermilk.  There are lots of recipes out there, and not all are very good.  For lemon meringue, I set out to create my own, perfect recipe, and did.  It was a process of starting with a generic recipe, making it, determining what when wrong...and trying again with corrections until it was just right.  It's the Goldilocks approach.  I'm going to attempt this again with buttermilk pie and am looking forward to the results.  There will be pictures.  :-)

Other things...

We might be going to Ireland this fall!  Woohoo!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's been some time since I posted

Everything is going swimmingly.  Last year, I started taking ukulele lessons, and in that time, I've really fallen in love with the instrument.  It was rough at first, like with anything new.  It took time to build callouses on my fingers and become comfortable with chord changes, but...

I can play several songs now and just signed up for a blues course.  Also, my skills leveled up and so did my uke.

I'll keep posting here with songs I've learned, and songs I want to learn...maybe even a video of me playing.